Why the Power of Memory is important to family history
“The point of it all may be just this, in the end: shadows fold like memories and stretch like dreams…freed of woe and suffering…freed even of joy; and needing nothing forever except light.” from “Chiaroscuro” by MLydiaM
This vintage photo shows my grandfather and my mother, in shadow and light.
I love this photo both for its dramatic contrasts and for the readiness my grandfather shows to save my curious mother from any possible danger.
I am reminded of the summer I was 15 and wanted to spend the day sunbathing at the lake.
Papaw drove me to the beach and told me to stay as long as I wanted. He sat down a ways behind me in the shadow of a trash can, the only shade available on the sandy expanse, ready to save me from any possible danger. ~shared by @veraviola_vintage
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