Family Photo Resources


The inspiring story of how a little boy’s question sparked a photo scanning app with millions of downloads

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Dad, where are your old photos?  On a warm summer afternoon, a 6 year-old boy in Tel Aviv, Israel asked his father, “Dad, I’d like to see what you looked like as a kid. Can you show me some pictures?” At once Yair was filled with nostalgia, but also dread. Although he knew old photos of him […]

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This Startup May Have Created the Easiest Way to Guarantee That Your Family Stays In Touch

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I love getting mail – real mail, that is. There’s just something fun about walking down my driveway, opening my mailbox, sifting through piles of junk mail and discovering a handwritten note addressed to me. It makes me feel special, cared for and loved. Human handwriting –those unique scribbles and scrawls and signatures–is the secret sauce that makes mail magical. When someone […]

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The Surprisingly Simple Trick to Getting Your Loved Ones to Talk about Family History

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  Every year on January 1, millions of people around the world vow they will start journaling and documenting their life. Hundreds of people also commit to asking their loved ones about their lives and family histories. In fact, journaling is one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions. But by March, most people have given up […]

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How a Funeral Led to One of the Largest Scanning Services in the World

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On our quest to save family photos, we run into kindred spirits. We meet like-minded people who are passionate about preserving photos and the stories they tell. They inspire us; they challenge us; they keep us going. And often, their stories surprise us! That’s why we were thrilled to connect with the founders of ScanCafe, who shared […]

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Culling the Chaos – 9 Simple Tips To Organize Family Memories

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We’ve all been there. It usually looks something like this: you’re standing in front of an open closet having a minor anxiety attack because you see the amount of stuff stashed inside. Most families have a closet – or even an entire basement – like this. The “stuff” inside ranges from priceless photos to random memorabilia that someone in […]

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The Photo Lover’s Guide to RootsTech, the Biggest and Best Family History Conference in the World

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Thomas & Dianne Jones If you’re anything like me, you love photography, storytelling and family history. We are archivists, collectors, organizers, photographers, librarians, historians and genealogists. Above all, we are memory-keepers. We believe photos tell stories. And we believe those stories are worth saving and sharing. That’s why we love gatherings that bring us all together […]

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What is a Photo Organizer, and How Can They Help You Untangle Your Photo Mess and Tackle Your Family History Projects?

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We’ve all been there. And it feels overwhelming. There’s just something daunting about standing in front of a closet filled with dusty boxes of family photos,  thinking, “where do I even begin!?” That’s when the guilt starts to take over. But don’t worry! You’re not the only one who has felt this way; we all have. That’s […]

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Can You Help Solve this Mystery? (Join over Twenty-Thousand Others Who Followed this Fascinating Story.)

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Some stories need to be told. As the Photo Detective, my passion is solving photo mysteries, especially ones that seem unsolvable! By discovering and deciphering clues in pictures, I can tell their tale. But sometimes it takes the right person to add a key detail that puts all of the pieces together, to reveal the full […]

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Four Ways You Can Tap into The Power of The Cloud to Enrich Your Family History Projects and Create a Collaborative Experience for Loved Ones

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Collaborating with loved ones makes family history research more meaningful. When my family first started working on our family tree, we were using different website services and only occasionally emailing or calling each other with updates. A few times a year, we would meet up, pass around folders of printed information and review homemade family trees. That process would […]

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How Discovering a Dusty Box of Family Photos Changed the Course of my Career and Taught me the Value of Family History

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I grew up in the cultural hodge-podge known as the mid 80s and early 90s. I feel caught in Gen-Y while the millennial side of me is saying it’s ok to drink the Kool-Aid (which I drank a lot of growing up). It was the golden age of Nickelodeon and MTV. I played outside…a lot. […]

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