

A Priceless Portrait of a Gentleman…Rest in Power, Grandpa

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After he retired, my grandfather used to sit on his porch with his radio, newspapers and notebook for hours. He spent a lot of time there. In fact, his children called him “deputy of the veranda” when he prematurely retired from politics. During the holidays, on that same porch, we spent so much beautiful time […]

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10 Simple Steps to Organizing and Preserving Your Family Photo Collection

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Somehow you’ve ended up with boxes of photographs, slides and piles of albums, and now you’re the family historian! You might have some old family photos that still look good, some may be ready to scan and some may need some serious restoration. Before you begin the lengthy and sometimes costly restoration process, here are […]

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Four Instagram Feeds That Will Make You Feel Like a Time Traveler

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Don’t apologize; everyone needs an escape. As work piles up and negative news stories assault our senses, all of us long for simpler times. We seek solace in nostalgia. That’s just one reason why #throwbackthursday #TBT is one of the most popular hashtags, consistently trending on social media feeds. And it’s no surprise – old photos seem to […]

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Every Family Has a Memory Keeper Who is Entrusted with Preserving Old Photos

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Every family has one. In our family, it’s me. I am the “keeper of the boxes.” (Boxes of family photos!) Following is one of the treasured family photos from our box. This is a portrait of my father-in-law John as a toddler, circa 1930. His mother, Edith, was quite taken with his large eyes and […]

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Old Family Photos Jog My Memory and Take me Back to the Land Where I Grew Up

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I don’t remember a lot of specifics from my childhood. This picture of me, as a six year old with a toothless grin, jogs my memory though. I love how my pigtails resemble the tassels hanging from the handles of my orange banana-seat bike, which my grandparents gifted me. I remember the old rope swing […]

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Film Is Not Dead, Especially When It Preserves Family History

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The date stamp at the top says January of 1967, but that was the date the film was developed. The photo was actually taken in September of 1966, as my mother and father were moving into their first house. I love this glimpse of them at the very beginning of their journey together. They look […]

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Meet My Great-Great Grandmother on Her Wedding Day Circa 1920

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Meet Norah West, my great-great grandmother on her wedding day in the 1920s. My grandma has told me stories of Norah which always make me smile. She was an avid smoker, never seen without a cigarette in her mouth and she loved her husband, Arthur Tebbett, tremendously. In fact, she loved him so much that […]

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Family Legacy is Carried on Through The Stories We Tell

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A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you. -Shannon L. Alder Meet my grandmother, Beva Juanita Gant Kiger Cheuvront. She is standing in the middle, alongside her parents, sister and brother. Her mother and father were Roxie and Clarence. Sadly, Roxie was lost to Brights Disease as […]

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Digitizing and Sharing your Old Family Movies

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If you digitize your family archives but don’t share them, are you really preserving them? Simply put, the answer is NO. Your old analog photos and videos are treasure troves of memories. In fact, they are stories waiting to be brought to life. So digitizing them is only half the battle. Once they are digitized, you need to take the […]

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