

Happy Anniversary to My Parents

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Happy 45th wedding anniversary to these 2 crazy kids! They came from Mexico and Peru, met in Los Angeles and started their adventure together. Two daughters and three granddaughters later, they remain committed to making it work through thick and thin and continue being each other’s best friend. All I can say to them is […]

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Why Every Family Should Host Slideshow Nights

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This is my great-grandmother Ellen in the middle of harvesting hay in the late 1950s, at the family homestead in Bjurholm, northern Sweden. Those wooden rakes are handmade, down to each hand carved peg. The labor was done by the family and the hay was moved from field to barn by horse and wagon. This […]

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Snapshots from my Childhood in Chicago in the 1970s

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My parents had a restaurant in Chicago in the early 1970s. It was a place of real camaraderie, great burgers and drinks. It had a real Cheers vibe! My parents are on the far left; my mom is sitting on my dad’s lap. This image is a great memory of my childhood. I remember each […]

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Inspiring Ideas for Incorporating Vintage Family Photos into Your Mother’s Day Celebrations

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There are stories waiting to be discovered in your loved one’s homes. Where can you find these hidden stories? Just start looking through your vintage family photos. To celebrate matriarchs, we asked floral and visual designer Casey Godlove to share some of his inspiring ideas for incorporating vintage family photos into your Mother’s Day celebrations. Below are excerpts […]

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Throwback to Childhood Memories, Siblings and Skates

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When I was around 8 and 9 years old, I was obsessed with roller skating – while I suspect I wasn’t, I felt as though I was at the roller rink every weekend. One Christmas, our whole family got roller skates and in almost every group of photos from that period, there’s at least one […]

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The Reason Analog Family Photos Matter More Than Ever Before

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Old family photos give us permission to take a timeout from our current lives to remember, reminisce, honor, and learn from the past – we can celebrate the people and places that have helped forge our journey along the way and made us who we are today. You could say old family photos are timeless, […]

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Two Tech Tools That Will Bring Your Faded Family Photos Back to their Former Glory

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We’ve all been there. The moment is simultaneously exciting and discouraging. Opening up an album that’s been sitting in an attic for decades feels a lot like discovering buried treasure. And like most buried treasure, your precious family albums may look like they’ve seen better days. Dust and grime can build up on photos when they sit, untouched […]

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A Vintage Family Portrait of the Father Figure in My Childhood

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My Grandpa and me in 1990, heading out to take a walk in the forest. I don’t remember this particular day, but I do recall spending so many days having adventures with my grandpa. We had so much fun together! My grandfather was born in 1941 in the south of Russia. Born into a military […]

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Snapshots of My Great Grandfather Reveal His Humor and Sense of Adventure

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Meet my great-grandfather William Brent Wright. He served a mormon mission to Tonga from 1909 to 1912. Before leaving for Tonga, he had never left his home state of Utah, so naturally his journal is full of funny stories. Here is one of my favorite entries from his journal: “While on the ship Aorangi, there were several […]

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Family Photos Are Incredible Passports to a Place Called Memory

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My grandfather, Stanley Marcus, at five years old, circa 1910. This boy grew up to become one of the world’s most well-known retailers with a refined sense of taste and style, whose leadership transformed his family’s Dallas clothing store, Neiman Marcus, into a globally recognized arbiter of fashion. However, his refined sensibility was also expressed […]

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