

When I Was Digging Through Old Family Pictures, I Found This 1970s Gem

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My grandaddy and my step-grandmother on their honeymoon in Tennessee in 1976. The memory most associated with this picture is my step-grandmother, Esther Mahone. My mom would always tell me stories of how much of a “fox” she was in the 70s. When you grow up and people are older for most of your life, […]

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The Real Reason We Take Photos May Be Fundamentally Linked to Our Humanity

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For over 27 millennia since the first cave paintings were discovered, telling stories has been one of humanity’s fundamental communication methods. Even with technology’s increasingly sophisticated and instantaneous capabilities, our brains still respond to content by looking for the story to make sense out of the experience. This fact brings me to a core question I often […]

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Three Scanning Hacks That Will Dramatically Improve your Family Photo Archives

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If you’re reading this you’ve probably scanned more than a few of your own family photos. You already know how mind-numbingly frustrating it can be when your scans look nothing like your originals. Worse yet, your scans might produce such small digital images that – when viewed full screen – they simply look like a […]

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How to Bring Back the Tradition of Vintage Family Photo Albums, with a Modern Twist!

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Many of my fondest memories of my childhood took place at my grandmother’s house. Each weekend, my entire family would descend upon her home to enjoy each other’s company and a home-cooked meal. It’s been almost nine years since I lost my grandmother; there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of […]

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One Family Photograph Proves That Film is Magical and Still Matters

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When I was visiting my family in Scotland, I found one of my Granny’s cameras. Inside, there was a roll of film. There were just 5 frames shot on it. My Granny, Jessie, had passed away 18 months before my discovery. Her camera probably hadn’t been used for years before that. The film wasn’t in […]

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A Portrait of an Independent and Courageous Woman…My Grandmother

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This is my favorite photo of my Grandma, Kay Padovano, circa 1944 when she was about 18 years old. She was the eldest daughter in her family and her parents, recent Italian immigrants, expected her not to marry and to stay home and take care of them as per family traditions of the time. This […]

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My Grandfather’s Camera Captured our Family History

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Meet my grandmother and her five children. My dad is the guy in the white shirt more focused on his snack than what everyone else is looking at. Like father, like daughter! I don’t know where they were, or where they were going, but I know they were probably getting there with all of them […]

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My Favorite Easter Dress, Saved for my Daughter

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Easter Sunday. Way before the days of Frozen and mass-market Princess everything, my mother bought this Alice in Wonderland dress while we were on vacation in Disney World. I was about 7 or 8 and it was a BIG purchase only worn on special occasions…this was no plastic costume! There was a petticoat and a […]

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A Classic Snapshot of a New York City Wedding in the 1940s

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This is one of my parents’ wedding photos, circa 1943 in New York City at the Hotel Roosevelt. They’re the couple on the left. Guy Lombardo and his orchestra were playing in the hotel this particular night. When Mr. Lombardo was told that a young couple in the room had just been married, he played […]

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My Southern Family Roots Run Deep

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You’re never too old to have a little fun! Meet me grandmother, Cornelia II, who taught me so much…about bourbon. I’m Cornelia the IV, named after her. And my daughter, born only a few months ago, is also named Cornelia! My grandmother was a remarkable lady, but it’s the “Gentleman” that’s also worth noticing. When […]

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