

One Antique Photo of my Grandparents Proves they Risked Everything for Lasting Love

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This photograph of my grandparents makes my heart flutter. They were not supposed to fall in love; my grandmama was disowned from her family for abandoning her pre-arranged groom-to be. She lost everything to come to a country where everyone hated her and the way she looked. But instead of being bitter, she taught my […]

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One Photographer Gives You a Chance to Say What You Always Wished You’d Said

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We all know the feeling. There was something we wish we’d said to someone special. Now they’re gone and we can’t go back in time to tell them what we wanted them to know…what they needed to know. Or, can we? One photographer gives you a chance to say what you always wish you’d said to your […]

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Sometimes the Best Trip is the One Down Memory Lane

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Sometimes the best trip is the one down memory lane. My grandmother Gladys (center, in red trousers) plays shuffleboard on board a ship to Canada to visit cousins. The photo shows her having fun and playing games, which she always enjoyed. She was a great card player too. The photo is from the treasure trove […]

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There’s Nothing Like the Look of Love in a Father’s Eyes.

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There’s nothing like the look of love in a father’s eyes. I almost overlooked this photo because I focused on the fact that my twin brother and I were blurred and is over exposed. Yet there’s something so captivating about the way my father’s eyes sparkle when looking at us. It’s almost like my father […]

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Celebrating My Mother’s Birthday Today

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Today is my mom’s 85th birthday. Here she is, little Dolores Irwin, on her way to St. Mary’s Star of Sea church for her first communion in 1938 in Baltimore, Maryland. She is telling me right now at her kitchen table that this was in her great-aunt Minnie’s yard. It backed up to her grandmother’s […]

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Did You Make This Common Mistake When Scanning Your Family Photos? (Here’s How to Fix It!)

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Whether you’re scanning your film, printed photos, and documents at home or using a professional scanning company, you will undoubtedly be faced with this perplexing issue: Scanning doesn’t actually archive information about your photo. That’s right, digitizing your vintage family photos isn’t enough. It’s no different than discovering an old photo album only to realize that no […]

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One Photographer Proves Why You Should Save Your Family Vacation Photos for Future Generations

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My interest in “the travel snapshot” began when I was a child, traveling with my mother simply because we wanted to see new things and we could since it was just the two of us. I always made sure I had at least three disposable cameras with me where ever we would go. As we drove […]

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Love Leads the Way to a Lasting Family Legacy

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Meet my paternal great-grandfather Jesse, a red-headed blue-eyed guy of (mostly) Scottish extraction. Here, he’s sitting with his grandsons. When Jesse married his wife in a Virginia/North Carolina border town, they decided to move up North to Jersey for a better life because they were a mixed-race couple. Once settled, Jesse got a job in […]

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What Are Heirloom Portraits and How Can you Create Them for Your Family?

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When it comes to preserving family history, where do you start? If you’re asking yourself this question as you stare at boxes of old family photos, stacks of love letters and piles of dusty documents, you’re not alone! The idea of recording your family history can be a bit overwhelming, even if you’re an experienced […]

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My Mom and Me, A Beautiful Portrait of a Single Mom and Her Daughter

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My mom was a single mom and I am her only child, so it was pretty much me and her and a bunch of her friends hanging out a lot when I was a kid. Like at this festival…she always said I was very portable. I was her little person! This is one of my […]

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