

When it Comes to Family Legacy, Sometimes Photos don’t Tell the Whole Story.

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Tears rolled down my cheeks as I realized I couldn’t remember… You may recall my previous post here on Save Family Photos where I described my dismay when realizing I couldn’t remember my grandmother’s voice when my daughter asked about her. That sadness and regret haunted me for a few weeks; then it made me determined to ensure […]

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More than a Photo Album: Sharing the World War II Legacies of Kelvin and Melvin Christopher

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At genealogy conference a few years ago, I heard many participants express dismay that their family members’ eyes glaze over when they talk about their family history research. One highly-respected professional lamented that given her adult childrens’ views of family history and genealogy, decades of her work might go to the recycling bin after she’s […]

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The Power of Family Photos: a case study in “remembering to remember.”

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In my first conversation with Rachel, co-founder of Save Family Photos, she told me, “I truly believe photos are memory triggers; they help us remember to remember.” Though she’s probably said it a thousand times, it struck me deeply. I recently started a personal history business, in which I interview people about their lives and then […]

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How Saving Family Photos Helped Three Generations of Photographers Preserve a Remarkable Legacy

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He reaches up and gently pulls a tuft of his hair to show me how easily it falls out. It’s grey now, his hair. It wasn’t last April, when we met at that little café for my 20th birthday. I sat across from him, secretly angry he was ruining the first day of my twenties […]

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Vintage Memories of Rural Childhood Adventures in the Pacific Northwest

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My old man grew up in a small Southern Oregon town named Central Point, a fairly conservative and rural place back in the late 1960s. It’s still mostly that way, however there’s a Sonic Drive-In right about where this picture was taken. The Robert Redford type character on the back holding the 22-ouncer is our […]

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What I Discovered When I Was Given My Grandpa’s Camera and Film

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I was recently given an old box full of some of my grandpa’s photo equipment. In that box were two rolls of film. I scanned them and discovered some beautiful gems I had never seen before of my grandparent’s lives during the 1950s. It might be my favorite photo of my grandmother. ~shared by @kimsabbatino […]

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My Matriarchs Pictured in a Vintage Family Portrait from Mid-Century Mexico

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I could look at this photo all day, every day. Taken in Jalisco, Mexico in the early 1950s, this photo shows my mom Maria (the girl in the dark dress) with her mother and sisters. They lived in a little pueblo called Villa Guerrero in the state of Jalisco in Mexico. My grandmother was called […]

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A Stack of Old Photos Reveals a Legacy Left to a Family Missing their Patriarch

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My dad as a yound boy, young man, husband and dad. He was a family man. He used to say, “I am not rich in money, but in how much happiness you guys have brought me.” He was born in Romania in the country and after high school, he moved to Bucharest. That’s where he […]

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What Everybody Should Know about the Latest Family History Technology

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Family history isn’t just your grandma’s hobby. Yep, that’s right, there’s a misconception that family historians are a bunch of retirees rifling through dusty papers. In reality, family history inspires people of all ages; it’s a diverse community. The unifying theme among family historians – whether they’re 27 or 77 – is storytelling. All family historians love […]

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Family Trip to the Zoo, Circa 1965

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Me at the Memphis zoo, circa 1965. I had a broken arm from flying out of the tire swing we had. As I recall, I went over a small maple tree, then crashed and broke my arm in two places. I love the Hitchcock-ish lady walking in the background…not to mention the peacock sneaking up […]

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