

Remembering a Hero on Veteran’s Day

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Today is a special day, a time to honor the veterans who have served us all. Meet my grandfather Edward Burvenich, pictured here from 1st grade in Cologne, Germany to serving with the US Army in the Pacific Theater. He and his family traveled across the Atlantic to New York seeking better opportunity in 1937. […]

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A Remarkable Discovery in Paris – Will Your Family Photos End Up in a Flea Market?

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Wandering Montmartre in Paris, I browsed Brocante des Abbesses, an antiques market. As I sifted through vintage accessories, art and furniture, an eclectic mix of bizarre bric-a-brac and common household items emerged. Meandering through kiosks, I saw everything from a bed pan with an eyeball painted on it to tarnished silverware. But as usual, I gravitated toward the old photos. Flipping through stacks […]

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This Old Photograph is How I Always Remember my Grandfather

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My grandpa and me when I was about two years old. This is how I always remember him–striped overalls, horn-rimmed glasses, and his rocking chair on the porch. My love for books began early, and I begged anyone who would to read to me. Grandpa was a slow, halting reader who often stumbled over the […]

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Memories of my Grandmother, Sparked by a Single Old Photograph

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I’ve been thinking lots about my paternal grandmother lately as I’ve been pondering next steps for my life and vocation. Formidable and unflappable, the only daughter among nine children, she was unusually well educated for a woman of her class and station. She was a mother of six, only five of whom lived past childhood. A […]

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Saving a Grandmother’s Photo While Preserving a Piece of Milwaukee’s History

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For years, Marcel had been wondering how to preserve two photos taken of her grandmother, Cornelia “Neal” Hunt Matthews while working at the Allis-Chalmers Company back in the 1950s. Her grandmother retired from Allis-Chalmers in 1975 after working there for over thirty years. These photos represent a family tradition of working hard that Marcel had […]

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How Old Family Photos Help You Discover The Ancestors You Never Knew

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A year ago, I knew very little about my ancestors. My grandparents passed when I was very young and there wasn’t much storytelling in our house growing up. I knew a little about genealogy and that some had been done in our family, but I never asked about it. I ask now. I ask a […]

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Memories Came Rushing Back When My Grandmother Held This Old Photo

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These hands are 95 years old. This summer, I asked my grandmother to tell me about this picture of her at 22. As she touched the image as though she could feel the raised lace of her collar, she told me, “I bought this dress uptown in Alva, Oklahoma, with Aunt Laura, whose farm south […]

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My Mother, a Real Rosie the Riveter

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This image never fails to make me think about my mom, a true ‘Rosie the Riveter’ if there ever was one. She never needed to ask for anyone’s help. If something needed to be done, she just did it. My brother and I wanted to be Batman and Robin for Halloween. So, she made us […]

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10 Questions To Ask Your Grandparents About Their Old Photos

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My dad sent me these old photos of my grandfather Gus recently. We all know “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but a picture also raises a thousand questions! My grandfather Gus died when I was in second grade, so I never really got to know him. That’s why we should all consider these ten questions […]

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Family Fun with Vintage Photo Booth Portraits

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I’m continuing to scan old family photos. It is such a big job, but one I am really enjoying. The photo booth pictures tend to be some of my favorites! This is my grandma Hallie and her sister Margie. They used to speak pig latin in front of my mom so she would not know […]

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