

Celebrating a Bittersweet Love Story Through This Old Photograph

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Meet my great aunt Francis and her true love, Al. Their love story is bittersweet. My grandparents, Bob and Bess, were best friends with Al and Francis. From other pictures I’ve looked at, the four of them lived life to the fullest. They went boating, camping, fishing and dancing together. They always whooped it up! […]

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Photographs are Passports to a Priceless Place Called Memory

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Photographs are passports to a priceless place called MEMORY; they help us remember to remember. My Mom, fine artist Priscilla Jenne, was born in 1922 in Minneapolis. She began her professional career winning prizes at local and state competitions. When mom was placed in a nursing home, I was worried for her memory. She’d been […]

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Photography is Life Lit Up

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“Essentially what photography is is life lit up.” Sam Abell While visiting family in Minnesota, I found six Kodachrome slides amongst my mom’s old photos. I had never seen a color photo of her at this age (nor my grandma, grandpa, and aunt) until I digitized this one. 1956, Amnicon Lake, Nanc is on the […]

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Vintage Family Photos Remind us of a Simpler Time

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This is the house I grew up in. It’s located in what used to be a small town, a tiny suburb of Saint Charles, Missouri. You might know it’s larger next door neighbor, Saint Louis, much better. That tends to work for me when I tell people where I’m from. I just say Saint Louis […]

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A Vintage Honeymoon Photograph Tells a Simple Love Story

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This is a simple story about the American Dream. Pictured here are my in-laws, John Arrington and Doris Kirkpatrick, on their honeymoon in 1953. It was the second marriage and a time of new beginnings for both of them, so they decided that they wanted “nothing fancy,” and eloped to Tijuana, Mexico. Then, then traveled […]

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Discovering my Grandmother’s Autograph Book Revealed my Grandfather’s Love

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One of my most precious family treasures. My Grandmother’s autograph book. This page is inscribed by my Grandfather, who was then only an admirer. Dated 1922, it says “may your memory of me be like the sun dial, always recording the sunny hours and times. Ps. When you feel naughty, think of me.” I kind […]

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Appreciating the Gift of Family Photos

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Mamas and babies. Photos of them together have a special place in my heart, especially when it is my grandmother holding my mom when she was a baby. I feel so lucky to have photos like this one. I’m grateful that my grandad was a photo hobbyist and took tons of photos. He put effort […]

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A Classic Childhood Photo of my Father

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This photo is from the summer of 1948, in Old Lyme, Connecticut. My father was about two years old here, sporting a grin I still see today. He says his earliest memory was from this summer, on the 4th of July. He remembers sparklers. What drew me to this picture (and to family photos in […]

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A Reminder to Print your Photos for Future Generations

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A very old photograph of my grandmother. I see my mom in this image so much that it almost punches me in the gut every time I look at it. And it reminds me of how important it is to print your photos for future generations. ~shared by @sarabrownphotos View on Instagram →

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Old Family Photos are Windows into our Lives

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My sister and me at the dining table of our ancestral home in Mumbai, India. This home is no more after being demolished to build a high-rise in its place. I am so grateful for old photos that help keep my memories alive. My dad took it upon himself to photograph our entire home and […]

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