

Meet the Wonderful Woman Who Inspired Save Family Photos and Changed the Course of my Life

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“Only a photograph can show you what your mother looked like when she was 20, when the moonlight fell on her face.” – @maggiesteber In my case, a photograph shows me what my grandmother looked like when she was about 20 – elegant, ethereal, determined. Yesterday I lost her. My family lost a matriarch. The […]

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A World War II Tale Told in my Nana and Grandad’s Wedding Portrait

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I love my nana and grandad’s wedding portrait. My grandparents, Dave Frank and Florrie Pennock, grew up in Middlesbrough, United Kingdom and met when they were just eight years old. Granddad served in World War II and was named after his uncle, who was killed in World War I. Granddad often said that we could […]

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How Family Photos Can Help you Build a Lasting Legacy

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Do you have a legacy? Take a moment to think it through. Is there a chance the answer is ‘NO?’ Have you considered how family photos can help you build a lasting legacy? I have. In fact, it’s something I think about a lot. There’s a generation growing up that has been photographed more than any other generation […]

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My Family Photographs trigger memories and help me heal

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The power of photography to trigger memories and help us heal is truly remarkable. Dad behind the wheel of that cream station wagon he loved so much! Family vacation, circa 1978. Boston to Florida. Dad thought driving on the beach was something we had to do. He said, “Lu, you can’t do this on The […]

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Rediscovering Analog Family Photos is Magical

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“Memory believes before knowing remembers.” William Faulkner On a recent visit back home, I went through a bunch of my Fathers’s old slides. This photo is one of many he took while I was growing up, but haven’t seen the light of day in many years. It has been wonderful to rediscover them. This shot […]

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My Mother’s Mountain Top Wedding Photograph

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This photo of my mom was taken on her wedding day in 1979, at her sister and husband’s home, on a mountain top. I love so many of my parent’s wedding photos, but my mom’s portraits, particularly this one, really stand out. I love how she is surrounded by nature, I love the elegant way […]

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Strength, Wisdom and Love are Revealed in a Simple Old Photo

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My grandparents in the late 1940s in Michigan, where my grandfather grew up. They had just recently gotten engaged and my grandma was meeting my grandpa’s parents for the first time! She came to New York from Russia; he was a Lieutenant in the US Navy. My grandma was working at Bloomingdales in Manhattan when […]

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Family Photos are among the greatest gifts we can give our children

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Here’s to dads. Here’s to the patriarchs who helped us start our stories. Here’s to the father-figures who inspired us to keep writing our life stories, one step at a time. In honor of father-figures everywhere, we’re celebrating dads all week. My remarkable father, who I miss every day, would have turned 100 this summer. […]

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Lessons I Learned from Tragically Losing my Family Photo Album

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Photographs are keys to unlocking family history. They enable us to marvel at strong family resemblances and they remind us to laugh when we see ancestors making silly faces (selfies aren’t a new trend). For me, one particular photo opened the door to my career passion. It’s a picture of me at age three, wearing a dirty lifejacket on a boat ride. I laugh every time I […]

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Who Else Thinks Family Photos are about more than moments?

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Photographs mark significant moments in our life, our family and our history. But the power of photos goes beyond capturing moments; photos have the power to evoke emotions. Our family photos prompt memories and catalyze conversations. Even when a snapshot seems mundane and casual, it can be beautiful and significant. Each of our family photos, no matter how imperfect, evoke emotions that resonate […]

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