

Saving Family Photos Helps Me Preserve My Memories

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This is a man who I remember as a child sitting in his living room rocking chair. He didn’t say much of anything. He was meek and quiet, he led by example, never raised his voice and was kind. I remember as a little girl adoring the swing he put into the tree for me; […]

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A Portrait of My Nana, a Beautiful Survivor

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This is my great-grandmother Borghild, “Bobbie,” when she was about 16. She’s laughing it up and being goofy on an unknown gentleman’s shoulders at one of Chicago’s beaches in the 1910’s. Nana would sneak me and my brother into her room when we’d come over to my grandma’s for dinner (Nana lived with my grandparents […]

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Family Photos Become More Priceless as We Age

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“All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget.” -John Berger The good old summertime! My Mom (center) her best friend, Shirley (left) and another friend posing for a beach picture early 1940s. I have found how priceless these photos are as I have aged. ~shared by @dianelavery View on Instagram →

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Family Fun with California Cousins

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Kiss Cousins. Pictured are me and my sister (identical twins!) and my two cousins Cybele and Eric. This photo was taken in the backyard of my grandmother’s home in East Los Angeles, Circa 1977. Growing up in Los Angeles surrounded by older cousins, we were exposed at a very young age to classic 1970s rock. […]

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Peeking into my Past by Discovering an Old Photograph

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This is a most precious picture of my Grandmother, sitting on the log at the far left, around 1894 at the age of 10. Also in the picture are her brother and sister, far right, near the dog. It reminds me of a scene from a Little Rascals episode. I never knew my Grandmother. She […]

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Old Pictures Remind Us That We Were All Young Once

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Last weekend we visited my great aunt and celebrated her 86th birthday. She developed Alzheimer’s last year and was moved into assisted living with her husband of over sixty years. The house and most of their belongings were sold. My father is in charge of the old family photographs. I picked out my favorite images […]

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What Happened When I asked my Mother about an Old Photo

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I think that maybe, just maybe, the prevalence of cameras and images in our lives has somewhat devalued the experience of getting your photo taken. This is my mother as a teen in Philadelphia. I wanted to know what she was thinking about when the image was taken. So I took the time to ask […]

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Why We Should All Learn the Art of Storytelling Through Family Photos

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If you’ve ever watched the television series Who Do You Think You Are, you may be as intrigued as I am to see the drama unfold as celebrities discover their family stories. What fascinates me even more than the celebrities’ stories are my own and those of my clients. You don’t have to be famous […]

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How to time travel with family photos, and why everyone should have a hallway like Toppie’s

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  In my grandmother’s house there was a long hallway that was covered in family photos, from my mother’s bridal portrait, to a picture of my great grandparents’ wedding ceremony, to other family milestones spanning four generations. That hallway was like a time machine, connecting me to people and places, many of whom I would […]

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Three Matriarchs in a Retro Photo Booth

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1956 photo booth memories. My beautiful blonde grandma Glenna (Memaw), with her mother-in-law Effie and my mother as a little girl. My Memaw was an amazing woman who could play the banjo and guitar. She would always wear a hat to church. She was a huge fan of Marilyn Monroe. That’s who she based her […]

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