

How One Old Portrait Helps Me Remember My Mother’s Legacy

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“Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.” -Oscar Wilde This is my gorgeous mother, Leela, photographed while pregnant with her first child. This portrait was taken around the seventh month, when “Dohal Jevan” a ceremony to satisfy the food cravings of the pregnant woman, was celebrated by Maharastrians (Marathi is a […]

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How One Old Photo Inspired Me to Search for My Missing Family

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I always carry this old photograph of my grandfather with me. The handsome guy with the white shirt enjoying a huge tartine is my grandfather. He drowned when I was only two years old, so I never got the chance to meet him. In the 1970s he had a child with a Japanese woman. This […]

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Unforgettable Vintage Family Photos from my Grandparents’ Adventures in The Pacific Northwest

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My grandparents shared a love for nature and adventure. This is my grandmother, Mary Pearson, sitting in a vintage vehicle, fully packed with camp gear against a backdrop of the North Cascades. This incredible image was shot by my grandfather, Hal Pearson, in Mt. Baker National Forest, around 1930. My grandparents have hundreds of photos […]

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Two Services That Help You Solve Your Old Family Photo Mysteries

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Every family has a few mysterious old photos in their archive. Whether it’s a cool old family portrait, or a fascinating vintage wedding photo, most families can relate to discovering these intriguing treasures in attics and shoeboxes. Rather than asking yourself, “who is the mystery man in this antique photo,” you should get expert help! […]

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A Young Artist Draws Inspiration from Vintage Family Photos to Paint Portraits of her Missing Mother

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My mother Mira went missing when I was 12 years old. This is her traditional Korean wedding portrait with my father. As I got older, I began uncovering more and more information about what happened to her. In order to process my loss, and also understand more about my family, I started creating artworks based […]

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A Vintage Family Portrait of Strong Women Who Left a Legacy of Courage and Strength

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“Sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin. Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us.” -Ezra Taft Benson The young lady (standing) is my Great-Grandmother Elizabeth Dubhorn. She was the only child (of 9) to survive in her family. This portrait was taken in the […]

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My Glamorous, Gracious Grandmother, Revealed in this Vintage Photo taken by my Grandfather

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My favorite portrait of my grandmother taken sometime in the 1960s by my granddad. Jane Turner, 1919-2015. She was a schoolteacher and a dance instructor. She was known to walk on her hands around the house. She celebrated her 90th birthday by choreographing and performing a tap dance routine in her assisted living center’s talent […]

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The Strongest Person I Never Met, Pictured in a Cherished Old Photograph

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This is my great grandmother Amanda Louise Creach Hunter in the 1910s. She was 14 when this portrait was taken. Louise understood pain and loss. I can see it in her eyes. She was born in 1903 to a prominent family outside of Nashville, Tennessee. Her mother was diagnosed with TB. She called seven-year-old Louise […]

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Ancestry and Save Family Photos Team Up to Help You Preserve Your Family Legacy in 2015

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“Nostalgia made me feel that my life had roots and continuity.” -Constantine Sedikide As we celebrate 2015, let’s make a special New Year’s Resolution for our families. Let’s resolve to discover our roots through old photographs. Most families have hundreds of analog photos in their homes. Where’s your family history hiding? @ancestry and @savefamilyphotos are […]

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Life is Like a Box of Chocolates…or a Box of Old Photos with Lots of Questions

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I live in Belgium where a box of excellent chocolates is common, but knowing our chocolates are excellent comes through the experience of tasting them. You cannot determine how delicious the chocolate will be by looking at it from the outside. You must bite into it and engage your senses to really experience the chocolate. […]

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