

What I Discovered When I Cracked Open an Old Suitcase in my Family Home

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This photo was in an old suitcase in my parents house. Both of my parents and many of their family members are gone. As I cleared out my parents’ home, I was able to save this striking photograph. . This picture was taken around 1920 in Scotland. My great grandfather Murdoch MacMillan is pictured cutting […]

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If I Could Only Rescue One Object from my Burning House, This Family Photo is What I Would Save

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If my house was on fire, and I could only rescue one object, this is what I would take. It is a portrait of my great-great-grandmother, Palma Fantasia. It is the only item that still survives my family’s passage from Italy through Ellis island in 1907. This is what my great-grandmother brought to remember her […]

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Snapshots of a First Generation American Family

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This photo is of my parents feeding my sister at her christening in 1994. The first time I saw it I almost died laughing. It’s the perfect combination of cute and funny. . Fun fact, I come from an Armenian family and it used to be really common to have a lot of people gather […]

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Digitizing Our Family Photos Helped me Connect with my Grandparents

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The first time I saw this picture of my grandmother, Gwen, my grandfather looked at me with a grin on his face and said, “Isn’t she sexy?” His comment made me laugh, but it also helped me understand his constant love and admiration for her. . I love this snapshot of her because it was […]

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Great grandparents survived a tragedy and became even stronger

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Meet my great grandparents, Alverta and Charles, pictured here in 1922. I deeply admire their immense bravery and courage. Together, they had twelve children, and in August of 1918, their house caught fire and burned to the ground. Alverta and Charles survived the fire, along with my grandmother, and five of her siblings. Although my […]

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My Dad took this Photo of my Mom Mowing the Lawn and It Became a Family Favorite

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This is how my mom looked when she mowed the lawn. Yep, she was pretty much amazing! I love this photo of her; my dad took it. The smell of my freshly-bloomed hyacinths reminded me so much of my sweet mom today. Spring is her season and everything about it is so her. How fitting […]

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Meet My Parents, the High School Sweethearts Who Became My Role Models

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I had never seen this photo of my parents until my mom shared it. My mom and dad met at my mom’s 15th birthday party, when my dad showed up with his cousin who was invited as a guest. Naturally, he brought his guitar along…because what better way was there to pick up chicks in […]

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My Father’s Gift of Photography Transcended Time and Place

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I recently found a negative of this beautiful photo that my father took. It’s my mother and my two older brothers in the suburbs of the Jersey Shore. I love discovering photos of my family I have never seen before. These images, and the memories they evoke, are such gifts. I now have all of […]

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A Musical Family Legacy that Began with my Great Great Grandmother Eve

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This is my great great grandmother Eve (pronounced Eva) Winberg Creagh. Last night I played with the Orchestra At Temple Square and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. At one point they invited us to stand if we had a family member who is serving or who has served in the choir. I got to stand because […]

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My Dad Demonstrated His Sensitivity When He Took Photos of our Family

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Mom, Brothers, Kentucky, circa 1958. My Mom was 29 years old when this photo was made. There are three kids in the photo; two more would appear in the 1960s. I am hidden behind my mother’s red scarf. My father took this picture. He was a WWII Navy veteran. Although I’m the one who became […]

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