

The Woman Who Taught me to Love Family History and Storytelling

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Our Grandma passed away on Feb 3, 1988. I was just 15, but her passing affected me deeply. The next day, we went to her home to help grandpa, and I remember seeing her shoes–light blue Keds–askew on the bathroom floor next to her rolled up socks. There were many things she excelled in, but […]

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The Photo Lover’s Guide to RootsTech, the Biggest and Best Family History Conference in the World

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Thomas & Dianne Jones If you’re anything like me, you love photography, storytelling and family history. We are archivists, collectors, organizers, photographers, librarians, historians and genealogists. Above all, we are memory-keepers. We believe photos tell stories. And we believe those stories are worth saving and sharing. That’s why we love gatherings that bring us all together […]

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When the World Loses an Amazing Grandma, Old Family Photos Help Commemorate Her Life

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The world lost an amazing grandma last night. We all love you Grandma Verna and we’re going to miss you so much. For those of you who never got the chance to know her, she had the best sense of humor. While visiting her at the nursing home, I once asked, “What’s new Grandma?” And […]

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Celebrating an Iranian-American Family Story of Faith, Courage and Pride

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My heritage is really important to me. My family fled Iran soon after the revolution in the late 1970s; they faced chaotic conditions and an oppressive government. In this photo, my grandparents stand proudly with my father, in Iran back in the 1950s. My grandfather was Muslim, but he was a forward thinking man who […]

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My Mama was Wild and Free, Just Like Me

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When people with straight hair ask you, “why don’t you brush your hair?!” ‚ . This is a photo that was taken of my mother when she was just 11 years old. It was taken in 1977 in Houston, Texas. Look how she’s showing off her mane! . I love this photo because she looks […]

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A Vintage Photo Booth Captured my Mom and Dad When They Were Young and in Love

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In 1961, my mother and father went in the photobooth at Kresge’s Department Store on Margaret St. in Plattsburgh, NY. Mom was 21 and Dad was 22. She had just come over from London, England to visit her sister at Plattsburgh Air Force Base. She got a job at Kresge’s and my father worked in […]

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Deadwood is more than a TV Show, It Is Also Part of my Family History

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Meet my favorite person. (I think the world should know her, too.) . My grandmother Irene, who my sister and I called “grandrenie” because we couldn’t say grandmother Irene, was an amazing person. In fact, she was the most amazing person I have ever known. It seemed like she could do anything she set her […]

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A Snapshot of Courage for MLK and a Vintage Family Photo of a Man Bravely Spoke Truth to Power

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My grandfather once opened his home to a young MLK; he was jailed for it. When he delivered sermons calling for equality, the Birmingham police lined his pews to intimidate. He delivered his message just the same. He kept a secret journal on police bombings of the city’s black upper class, from 1945 to 1955; […]

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Can You Help Solve this Mystery? (Join over Twenty-Thousand Others Who Followed this Fascinating Story.)

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Some stories need to be told. As the Photo Detective, my passion is solving photo mysteries, especially ones that seem unsolvable! By discovering and deciphering clues in pictures, I can tell their tale. But sometimes it takes the right person to add a key detail that puts all of the pieces together, to reveal the full […]

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Family Portrait Depicts Girls Growing up in the Italian Mountains During World War II

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My mom and her sister in 1936. On the back is an inscription written in pencil script by my grandmother in German. It is likely this photo was taken in northern Italy; mom told me they stayed in San Colombano. My mom, Gisella, was 8 years old when this photo was taken. Her sister, Lilly, […]

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